Hola Ricardo viejo lobo: tanto tiempo.
Sé que no te saludo para el día del periodista ni del amigo ni para tu cumple, pero siempre estas allí y mi aprecio está contigo. (te acordás que mi hija Florencia dice que soy de vidrio…)
Hay un correo, de un supuesto Sargento de Marines en Irak, pidiéndote ayuda para “llevar a lugar seguro”, es decir, sacar de Irak, 25 millones de verde-morlacos!!!
Te la deja picando, y hasta hay una noticia verdadera de un hallazgo de dinero, para que uno se contacte con el “quía” y comience la “ayuda” que ya sabemos cómo termina.
Te adjunto el texto del correo. Es solo eso. Texto, sin adjuntos, virus ni malware embeded, pero…
Un abrazo:

Angel Federico Orlando

Good day and compliments, i know this letter will definitely come to you as a huge surprise, but I implore you to take the time to go through it carefully as the decision you make will go off a long way to determine my future and continued existence. Please allow me to introduce myself.
I am Sgt. Brad A.Scott, a US Marine Sgt.serving in the 3rd Battalion, 25th Marine Regiment which Patrols the Anbar province, Iraq. I am desperately in need of assistance and I have summoned up courage to contact you. I am presently in Iraq and I found your contact particulars in an address journal. I am seeking your assistance to evacuate the sum of 25million USD (Twenty Five Million USD) to the States or any safe country, as far as I can be assured that it will be safe in your care until I complete my service here.
This is no stolen money and there are no dangers involved.
SOURCE OF MONEY: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/2988455.stm
Some money in various currencies was discovered and concealed in barrels with piles of weapons and ammunition at a location near one of Saddam Hussein’s old Presidential Palaces during a rescue operation and it was agreed by all party present that the money be shared amongst us.
This might appear as an illegal thing to do but I tell you what? No compensation can make up for the risks we have taken with our lives in this hell hole. The above figure was given to me as my share and to conceal this kind of money became a problem for me, so with the help of a British contact working with the UN here(his office enjoys some immunity)
I was able to get the package out to a safe location entirely out of trouble spot.He does not know the real contents of the package as he believes that it belongs to an American who died in an air raid,before giving up trusted me to hand over the package to his close relative. I have now found a secured way of getting the package out of Iraq for you to pick up. I do not know for how long I will remain here as I have been lucky to have survived 2 suicide bomb attacks by Pure Divine intervention. This and other reasons put into consideration have prompted me to reach out for help. If it might be of interest to you then Endeavor to contact me and we would work out the necessary formalities but i pray that you are discreet about this mutually benefiting relationship. Get back to me so i can furnish you with more details.
Sgt. Brad A. Scott,
United States Marine Corps. IRAQ.

Creo que lo quise publicar no sólo como una atención a un viejo lector (por mucho tiempo de lector, no por edad, se entiende ¿no? je) sino también porque me causa gracia que todavía haya gente que se crea este tipo de mails… porque vos no te lo creíste ¿no? este… digo… no ¿no?

Por Ricardog

Periodista científico especializado en tecnología. Médico en retiro efectivo.

4 comentarios en «¿Hay gente que crea en esto, todavía?»
  1. releyendo el comentario me preocupa que aparezca como referido al lector Angel: me refería al truco trucho, claro.
    pd: por error aparecio doblemente: moderador, porfavor, eliminelo
    (pensandolo bien, elimine todo)

  2. estimado Ricardo: dejemos de lado al lector advertido (que ni siquiera lee estas tonterías):
    pero que alguno lo lee, lo lee, y posiblemente se enganche rspondiendo algo.
    para esos casos, preguntaba: ¿cual es el objetivo que se persigue? ¿verificar que es una dirección de correo operativa, para integrar una base de datos real? (y cuyo titular es un salame?)
    ¿venderle luego algo de Belmont Novedades o Sprayette?
    (no me imagino, y me provoca gran curiosidad…)

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